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Outdoor Sports

Outdoor Sports
Both team and individual sports are offered at camp. Soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, golf, field hockey, lacrosse, floor hockey, ultimate, water polo, water volleyball and many others are offered on a regular basis. Team sports are typically comprised of single sex teams in specific age categories. Campers travel to nearby camps for friendly competition as well as host their own events. Archery, which requires precision and practice and patience, is offered to all campers. Hitting a bullseye and earning a badge from the National Archery Association is exciting!

Sports Played at Nashoba Day

  • Archery
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Cross Country
  • Disc Golf
  • Field Hockey
  • Floor Hockey
  • Gaga Ball
  • Lacrosse
  • Touch Rugby
  • Volleyball – Beach & Grass
  • Water polo
Have a game you want to play at camp? We are always looking for new sports to try.


The tennis program is instructional. Campers are offered the structure of formal classes with allotted time for practice and competitive play. Our five all weather courts provide an optimal setting for our instructors to teach both beginners and advanced players. Tennis rules, strategies, scoring and practice enhance all levels, making tournaments and round robin events exciting. All campers are encouraged to participate in the “Camper-Counselor” tournament that is put on each session. What better way to gain your confidence and enjoy the game of tennis than at Camp Nashoba Day!


Camp Nashoba Day offers a manicured two hole, par three golf course on camp property which includes a sand bunker and rough areas for practicing pitch shots. Small, intensive golf lessons, with no more than 4 campers per lesson, are taught 4 days a week on this course and 2 days at local golf courses and driving ranges. Spring Meadows Golf Club, offers a challenging course to our campers and is always a favorite. Nashoba Day’s golf instructors are known for their personalized and patient approach to teaching the game of golf. They provide instructions on topics such as rules, golf etiquette, terminology, strategy and scoring in addition to working with campers to improve their basic golf skills. Our instructors help to foster the camper’s enthusiasm for the game so that they can continue to learn and develop once camp has ended and they have gone home. Golf clubs are included for beginner golfers. Proper attire is required for courses off of camp property. Golf fee, including greens fees for 4 weeks is $600.00.


Soccer is one of the most popular activities offered at Camp Nashoba Day. Instructional, skill-based classes are held every period of the day, followed by a full field scrimmage. With our elective program schedule, campers can choose to immerse themselves in the soccer program, or simply practice their skills for an hour per day. Campers from the U.S., Canada, Spain, England, France, Germany, and many more countries around the world come to improve their skills, and have a great time doing it. Our top notch staff consists of current and former NCAA athletes, as well as international counselors who have trained around the world. Each has experience in team and individual training, and the ability to connect with campers to improve their skills over the course of the summer.

The Nashoba Cup

Camp Nashoba Day also fields soccer teams each session for inter-camp games, and tournaments throughout southern Maine. The camp has been hosting the Nashoba Invitational Cup every summer for the last 10 years, with 12 teams invited to participate each year. Past participants include Fernwood, Fernwood Cove, O-At-Ka, Timanous, Micah, Laurel South, and Winona.